This type of dentistry uses more preventive measures than restoration methods. The procedures that a general dentist is best suited for are prevention of periodontal diseases, cleaning, general examinations, root canals, teeth whitening, dental bridges, bonding, fillings, and dentures. Some of these procedures can be listed as cosmetic dentistry procedures but that alone is not enough to make the dentist a cosmetic dentist.
The Deciding Factors
An experienced dentist always scores above others as he knows exactly what he is doing. If a dentist has been in practice for a long time and has performed several procedures, he would know how to handle any given situation and you will be able to trust him better. Although it is not a requisite, but it is definitely a possibility that an experienced general dentist will be able to help you better than a specialist. The reason is simple. A specialist has to deal with only a specific number of cases during his tenure, which can limit his area of expertise.
This factor is the fees charged. Specialists are conventionally more expensive to consult than general dentists. So until and unless you are faced with a problem that specifically relates to a certain part of mouth or a particular dental ailment which comes under the purview of a specialist, a general dentist can take care of your teeth, without charging too much.
Both regular checkups at the clinic and consulting the dentist as soon as you feel discomfort are as important measures to keep mouth fit, as the age old routine habits of brushing twice and using dental floss. With a little help and care, your mouth may not even need to go to a specialist for treatment after all.